Is It Dangerous to Take a Cruise Vacation Through the Bermuda Triangle?

Wow. What kind of title is that - mixing danger and intrigue with cruise vacations? Well I guess that someone needs to answer the question so...

Where Should I Begin?

Well let's start with some information regarding the location of the Bermuda Triangle. As one might guess it has something to due with the island of Bermuda. Actually there are various theories on the location of the Bermuda Triangle.

For our purposes we will take the generally accepted location of the area between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami. Draw a line on a map from Bermuda to Puerto Rico to Miami and back to Bermuda and you have what many people accept as the Bermuda Triangle.
The Monster in Bernuda story
You have no doubt heard about all the mysterious disappearances in the area of the "Devil's Triangle" as it is sometimes called. Ships and planes vanishing with no trace. Navigational instruments going crazy... It's a wonder that anyone ever passes through the area at all!

Yet every year countless ships sail the waters in the Triangle. Planes fly over on their trans-Atlantic flights from the south-eastern U.S. to Europe, Asia and Africa.

What About Cruises?

So what about cruises? Do any cruises actually travel through the Triangle?

Believe it or not, virtually every cruise ship that travel from the east coast of the United States into the Caribbean sails in or through the Bermuda Triangle. (Some cruises out of Miami might miss most of the area if they are travelling to the western Caribbean. But they originate at or near one apex of the triangle.)

Have there been any reported disasters on board cruise ships travelling these waters? Have there been any disturbances? Have there been any concerns?

I have not been able to come across one reported incident on board cruise ships sailing the waters between Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico that could not be accounted for. Some weather related incidents have happened but those were related to storms in the area.

Storm Dangers in the Bermuda Triangle

As I mentioned above there have been incidents related to the weather. Any cruise in any waters of the Caribbean are subject to foul weather especially during hurricane season when the reported incident happened.

So no matter where you sail, when you sail might cause more danger than the actual location itself. Cruise ships today have the capability to identify dangerous waters and the Captains have the authority to avoid stormy weather. There are back-up plans for cruises in the events of these seasonal storms.

So How Dangerous Is It?

How dangerous is it to sail through the Bermuda Triangle? Let me ask you these questions:

How many people have you heard of in the news that are killed in car accidents? Walking down the street? Riding their bicycles?

Now how many non-natural deaths have you heard of on cruise ships sailing the waters of the Bermuda Triangle?

Any death on a cruise ship is almost international news. The traffic deaths that you hear about are only the local ones.

It is more dangerous for you to walk down a busy street than it is to cruise through the Bermuda Triangle.

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